Raising Babies

Stay at Home Mama Money…

So I know I’ve said it before, but I’m currently a stay at home mama. While I was pregnant with my first baby and still working 40 hour weeks I was definitely planning on going back to work after he was born. Then the daycare topic came up and that turned out to be a lot more tricky than I […]

Raising Babies

Motherhood and All the Things…

So I always knew I wanted to be a mother some day. I really didn’t plan much further than wanting 3 babies. For me, there was never this vision of what my future would look like, where I would live, who I would marry or anything like that. I just knew I would someday get married and have 3 babies. […]

It's me, Hi!

Here goes nothin…

So I’m a pretty shy person and blogging is completely out of my comfort zone, but I’m a 31 year old mama now and I decided to just go for it. Put on my big girl pants and all that ya know. I’ve thought about starting a blog for at least 5 years and I’ve just never done it. Who […]